Safety is of utmost importance to Charles C. Brandt Construction, as it should be. We pride ourselves on safety conscious employees, job-sites, and culture.
“Unlike other contractors, the emphasis you have put on safety in your company has had a significant impact on your overall operations. Your experience modification rate is significantly lower than the average general contractor. This is truly impressive in that your labor force performs a significant amount of construction work.”
Charles C. Brandt is one of few CCS (Coalition for Construction Safety) qualifed general contractors. CCS, a non-profit, non-partisan organization, believes through our members we can make a difference in the lives of construction and maintenance workers. We also believe by elevating workplace safety to the highest standards, we can positively impact the lives of these people.
CCS members share a common set of values based on a culture of: sharing best practices and educational outreach, engaging all stakeholders, establishing high performance standards, celebrating the success of our members, caring for our brothers and sisters in the construction and maintenance community, creating a substance abuse free work environment, and putting safety first.
Core Values
CCS is dedicated to the elimination of construction and facilities maintenance jobsite injuries and illnesses with the ultimate objective of returning construction and maintenance workers home to their families, friends, and communities free from harm.
CCS values are put into action by :
Ensuring that all stakeholders are fully represented by the organization without regard to size, status as signatory to a collective bargaining agreement, or industry sector. CCS seeks the involvement of all stakeholders including owners, general contractors, sub contractors, collectively organized and merit shop workers, designers, and regulators that constitute the construction and facilities maintenance community. CCS believes, that through this safety-minded coalition of stakeholders, we can accomplish our mission.
Being the leader for construction and facilities maintenance safety. CCS believes that by striving to be the area leader in construction and facilities maintenance safety, and by leveraging the resources and influence of our stakeholders, we can improve the overall safety performance within the construction and facilities maintenance community.
Promoting a work environment that is free from substance abuse. CCS believes that a drug and alcohol free workplace is essential in obtaining an injury free jobsite and is one of the primary objectives of the association. CCS will proactively establish programs that combat substance abuse via a testing and validation process of onsite workers.
Providing learning and educational opportunities related to construction and facilities maintenance safety. CCS believes that advancing the safety, occupational health, and regulatory knowledge of our stakeholders helps to improve the safety-related performance on the jobsite. CCS will actively seek out and provide for educational opportunities for our stakeholders.
Establishing the criteria for safety programs to be utilized by the stakeholders to improve their own safety programs. CCS believes that by establishing the criteria for safety programs it helps to ensure continuity in how workplace hazards are recognized, evaluated, and controlled from jobsite to jobsite.
Establishing minimum levels for safety performance via a contractor certification program. CCS believes that by establishing and promoting minimum levels of acceptable safety performance and certifying contractors to those levels, owners and others sourcing contractor services can be assured that the contractor has an established and effective safety program.
Recognizing those stakeholders that standout among their peers with respect to their safety performance and innovation. CCS believes that by recognizing the successes of our stakeholders we can uplift the safety performance of the construction and facilities maintenance community through the spirit of competition and the sharing of best practices.